What Will You Do With Your Power?
John 1:12 says that our belief in Jesus empowers us to become the sons of God. John references this when he writes “beloved, now are we the sons of God...” in 1 John 3:2. The gospel of John and the other Johannine epistles were written in a span of about 5-10 years later. John continues the motif of spiritual sonship to his audience. His later epistles are written with an idea that there has been a progression of sorts. He says in the latter epistle, “now are we…” indicating that something has changed. Progression. In our walk of faith, we must concern ourselves with progression. The writer of Hebrews says in the first verse of Chapter 6, “let us go on unto perfection...” We are challenged to growth throughout scripture. We should always be adding to our Christian experience, but are we?
I ask this because I’m challenged in this same way. Am I adding virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity (2 Peter 1:5-8)? Am I advancing in the cause of Christ? What if I’m not? In weight loss and exercise, people often talk about the plateau. They reach a point where no matter what they do, they can only maintain the point they’ve reached and can’t seem to go beyond it. But John 1:12 says that I have the power to become the son (child/offspring) of God. Many times, we look like only what we’ve done. We look like a good church member. We look like a do-gooder! But, that’s all. When will we use the power we’ve been given to finally BE what we’ve been empowered to become!
Did you plateau in the becoming phase? I’ll admit, there are times I look at my spiritual life and have to concede that this is my reality. But, can I press into going beyond where I’m used to going? Can my mind be stretched to access the deeper things of God that take a little (or a lot) more critical thinking and divine help to fully understand? Am I willing to alter my schedule to meet God when He is inviting me to fellowship? Am I willing to ask like the rich, young ruler, “what yet lack I?” Am I willing to release what I think I should be or what I think I should be doing to receive the revelation of what God wants me to do?
I have the power to do this? I’ve been given this power and it’s mine to use. It’s yours to use! Romans 8:19 says that the world is waiting for the sons of God to be revealed. Your job is waiting on the impact of your influence. Your neighborhood is. Your church is. Your family is. Most importantly, the Kingdom is waiting on you! What will you do with your power?