“...like the rushing of a mighty pen…” That’s what I heard as I drove down Highway 40 leaving Nashville and the 2017 GMA Dove Awards. What the Holy Ghost did as He sat upon them as cloven tongues of fire in Acts 2, I want to experience with each key stroke and strike of my pen. I always wanted readers to be so intrigued that they sought out my articles and posts. The aim of the content is to simply speak what the Lord is speaking to His people, in His timing and for His purpose. The Mighty Pen Publishing Company is an independent publisher of Christian books. Based in Fort Worth, Texas, MPP is a subsidiary of Willis Communications and publishes books and offers writing services and author support for independent authors. To date, Fred Willis has published four books and is working to complete numerous other projects.
Leaving the Doves that year, I had already begun writing what I thought would be my first book, but all that changed when I began writing for a new audience. As a freelance journalist, I’m all too familiar with having to do all the leg work after writing an article but for a book, but this would be Olympic level power lifting compared to simple media pitches. After much consideration, I was led to create this imprint which will publish my books as they are completed and released. The aim of the content is to simply speak what the Lord is speaking to His people, in His timing and for His purpose. Since its inception, Mighty Pen Publishing has published four books and in 2023, will publish its first book for a writing client on our roster.
This Crisis Is Not Cause for Alarm

For many of us, the Coronavirus pandemic hasn’t been the only trial of 2020 and the pandemic has shaken loose what semblance of normalcy they may have been working to achieve. Not even personal trials nor a global pandemic can stop the great plans the Lord has for His people. There is much more on the horizon, and now is not the time to give up hope and retreat in defeat. This crisis, though troubling, is no cause for alarm. In fact, with it, the book sounds the alarm using the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 encouraging believers to embrace the unique opportunity to spread the gospel using methods never before imagined. Social media interaction has increased, and people view church online in numbers that trump any pre-pandemic metrics. I believe that we will make it through this crisis and get to the other side of this year or the next in safety. To do so, we must be patient and patiently await deliverance in and from this crisis.
The Journey to Genesis

When a man discovers his purpose, he illuminates the path to his destiny. And, the end game of purpose is to be a lighthouse, illuminating the path for others to find their way to Christ through us and what we do. Paul says in Philippians 1:6 that “He who began a good work in you shall perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” And if He performs that “good work” in us until the day of Jesus Christ, we must have a vital role in it as well. Beyond that, “being confident” as Paul says in that verse becomes “being conflagrant” —a real firebrand of purpose. In Matthew Chapter Five, Jesus talks about this light in us and asks who would hide their lamp under a bushel. It’s an unwise person who would endanger himself and the world around him creating a fire hazard by hiding his light under a bushel! Don’t hide your light once you discover it…LET IT SHINE! In “The Journey to Genesis”, I share personal anecdotes and stories from the bible to help readers accept that God has made them for more. I’m living proof that what God has made available to you is already within your grasp! I want you to discover the wonder of walking in purpose and allow this book to change the trajectory of your life, forever.
She’s a Cover Girl in the Real World

I wrote this book because I want to show my unwavering support for women in the Kingdom. You are seen, appreciated, loved and hopefully, after reading this book, affirmed! For far too long, women have been castigated when their desire to walk out purpose in their lives has rubbed men and women the wrong way. When Peter gave his message at Pentecost, he referenced Joel. He told the people that what they experienced that day was the fulfillment of what Joel prophesied. But there seems to be a distinction being made in the present-day church. We’ve heard what women can’t do for years, while scripture has long affirmed what they will do! The spirit poured out on all flesh is inclusive of genders, nationalities. In Joel’s prophecy, the word of the Lord is that “sons and daughters would prophesy.” And, the day of Pentecost made it clear that the gospel was to be heard in all languages. Ageism isn’t an exclusion in this dispensation of grace as old men would dream dreams and young men would see visions (Acts 2:17). I want to help you go forth with boldness and courage as the Holy Spirit equips you with power.

There are some messages the Lord gives you to speak and some experiences only you can share. No one else knew what the shepherds knew because no one else had experienced it! This book will also encourage us to look again at Christ at Christmas to see the cross at Christmas but before we do that, we will look again at ourselves to find purpose in our lives experiences. What has God given you that only you can do? What has He given you to say that only you can say? The message of the shepherds was bolstered by their experience. They saw what (and who) they saw and knew perfectly well what they knew! Our life’s purpose is as unique as we are, and nothing can change that! In fact, God has already placed many of us near it-just as He did with the shepherds!
They were near the birthplace of Jesus and it is no coincidence that Jesus was born where he was. In the book we examine Christ’s birth at what some Jewish scholars suppose was the Migdal Eder. The shepherds kept their flock near the tower, and this is believed to be the fulfillment of the prophecy in Micah 4:8.As you read “They Saw Him First”, I want you to take another look at Christ and then at yourself. Just as much as the Christmas story is the beginning, I want readers to themselves experience a new beginning as they embrace newness of life in Christ and embrace God’s purpose in theirs.